
Paul and Judy Karnes

Remembering “Mr. Hopewell” through the D. Paul Karnes Endowment for Wellness There are many ways to honor the memory of a loved one. For Judy Karnes, wife of the late JRF trustee and Hopewell community advocate, David Paul Karnes, establishing an endowment in his name at the Foundation was the best way to keep his… View Article

The Honorable Frederick T. Gray and Evelyn J. Gray

Below is a special reflection written by the Gray’s children, ‘Rick Gray & Evelyn “Tucky” Tucker. Our parents, Fred and Eve Gray, were a team. As teenagers, “Buddy” Gray and Eve Johnson might not have seemed an obvious couple, but in retrospect their 49-year marriage made their partnership appear inevitable. Fred was a blue-collar kid… View Article

Louis and Ursula “Sue” Gibbs Donor Story

Sue Gibbs lived a meaningful life and embodied many of the characteristics that a community values in its residents – humility, selflessness, and compassion towards others. For ninety-seven years, Sue Gibbs changed the lives of those around her for the better. The John Randolph Foundation is honored to play a role in ensuring that Sue will continue changing lives for years to come.