Grant Provides Affordable Dental Care at Hopewell-Prince George Community Health Center
September 12, 2017 2:51 pmDr. Melba Bryant takes time to show her patient how she will fix her teeth. This patient is able to receive care because of the sliding pay scale offered by the Hopewell-Prince George Community Health Center.
Dr. Melba Bryant is leaning over a dental patient to check for cavities. This patient in particular, Cora, is in the middle of some difficult and long-term orthodontic work. But you wouldn’t know that by the comfortable atmosphere in the room and the energetic smiles coming from both doctor and patient. Dr. Bryant takes a moment to hand Cora some literature and show her what they will be doing to her teeth next.
Like many of the patients at Hopewell-Prince George Community Health Center, Cora will be receiving Dr. Bryant’s help for a fraction of what it would cost her at a regular dentist office. As part of Central Virginia Health Services, the Health Center offers medical care on a sliding scale which means people from every financial situation can get the health care they need.
Dr. Bryant positions Cora in the x-ray machine to get a better look at the issues she faces. X-rays are expensive but the grant from the John Randolph Foundation helps cover the cost for patients that need them.
Dr. Bryant has been part of the Health Center team for 9 years. Although she began her career in the private sector, she worried about people who weren’t receiving dental care because of their financial situation. She wanted to reach people whose only major barrier to dental care was their ability to pay. After taking maternity leave with her oldest child, Dr. Bryant got that opportunity.
“… A great friend suggested that I explore the option of working at the Hopewell-Prince George Community Health Center. After interviewing here, interacting with the staff,… and seeing how the concepts of aiding all people regardless of their financial status was being performed, I was sold!”
The Health Center is able to care for patients like Cora (and our friend Norm, a former smoker) because of the sliding scale system our grant provides. John Randolph Foundation offsets the cost of medical care for dental patients, general doctors visits, mental health care, x-rays, and beyond.
“I am extremely grateful for the relationship that exists between HPG CHC and the John Randolph Foundation. It is through their grant support, that my existence here at HPG CHC is even possible. My longevity here has given me a special perspective on the importance of consistent, financial funding as it pertains to helping this community improve and maintain excellent dental health. Without the support of the John Randolph Foundation, I would not be able to make any major impacts towards this goal, nor would our community center be able to impact our clients’ lives as well we have. The generosity afforded to us by this grant cannot be measured, for its impact is far reaching”
Dr. Bryant receives a hug from her patient Cora at the end of her appointment.
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This post was written by AJ James
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